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Monday, December 28, 2015

Make sure you are testing/playing with regular expressions in an environment that follows the same regular expression behavior of the programming language you are using

Upon posting this question, I learn that it is mandatory, whenever testing/playing with regexes, to make sure you are using an environment that follows/matches the Regular Expression behavior of the language you are programming with.

Otherwise things will not make sense.

Check this for online sandboxes for regex testing, per programming language.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nuget Helpers Package

Uploaded a nuget package containing methods I have been using very often in new projects.

Below is a list of all methods provided at this point:

Nuget install command: Install-Package Helpers

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Enforcing a given number of digits in a numeric value in Javascript

Javascript does not a built-in functionality like C#'s .ToString("0000").

To accomplish the same I came up with the following:

function setNumericFormat(value, numOfDigits, paddingChar) {
var length = value.toString().length;
if (length < numOfDigits) {
var prefix = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= numOfDigits - length; i++) {
prefix += paddingChar;
return prefix + value.toString();
return value.toString();

Resembles a LeftPad function...